A special crop circle story from 2013

As we draw near to the end of another year, maybe it is time to reflect on what has happened to each one of us all during the past twelve months. As individuals we will have had had our own experiences, our ups our downs, our joys and sorrows; the things that we have accomplished and the things that are still remain on our `To do` list.

I meet so many people over the year and one of my most exhilarating times is to see the joy experienced by people who have been into a circle or flown with me over the wondrous formations. For me to share in their delight is an extra happiness for me.

I am going to tell you a special story. I was burying my control sample bottles of water outside one of the Etchilhampton crop circles when someone came up to me and asked me what I was doing. We started chatting and he told me that he was a `virgin` croppie and asked me to show him what to do and how he should go about visiting a circle.  I explained various formalities that I go through before entering a formation such as how to find the aura of the event and then how I ask permission to enter just as I do before entering the aura of an ancient stone or stone circles.

He was a most willing pupil and then suddenly he said `Do you think I will find myself? `I don’t know I replied, let us see what happens. Just walk round until you find YOUR special place, then sit quietly.`

What a lovely question and it showed me how wonderfully open he was to the energies of the circle and with what respect and keen anticipation he was going to treat this adventure into the formation. Certain crop circles have a special and powerful sacred/healing element to them.

As we near Christmas and all the festivities, maybe it is also time to think about those for whom this is the very worst and loneliest time of year.  I once thought that I would go an help in a soup kitchen in London but I have to confess to my shame that this is still on my `to do` list.

My two sons, one living in Australia and the other in Thailand with his lovely Thai wife and 3 children are all coming to stay with me for Christmas. I do miss seeing my grandchildren grow up as they live so far away so for me this is a time of special joy, excitement and huge fun. We will squash in like happy sardines.

In case you haven’t bought your presents do please have a look at my web site, especially my lovely calendars, containing wonderful photographs, special sayings and a whole lot more.  Everything you buy from my web site goes towards my research.

I deal with each order quickly and each one will come to you with a happy smile.

All very best wishes and I wish you a very happy and peaceful Christmas.


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